540-829-9555 | Culpeper, VA

Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the main farm house was established around 1758 in colonial Virginia and was once surveyed by George Washington. In colonial times, Daniel Boone lived within a mile and worked on the farm, hauling tobacco to neighboring ports for shipment to England. We celebrate that history by hosting a Daniel Boone Days" event in the fall with artisans, re-enactors, crafters, historians, and hay rides.
During the Civil War, the home was occupied by Union Officers and over 30,000 Civil War troops camped on this property and at surrounding farms. The stream named "Mountain Run" goes through the middle of the farm. It was a strategic ford (crossing) during the Civil War where General George Armstrong Custer led troops during the Battles of Signal Mountain and others. Andora Farm is just a short drive to this and other battlefields.

Tom & Pat Seay
Owners, Andora Farm
Both native Virginians, Tom and Pat actively work the farm every day-- when not on the road filming and producing episodes of Best of America by Horseback-- taking care of the cattle, horses, fencing, and hay production.
The name Andora was not original to this farm, but it was to the Seay family farm in Spotsylvania, Virginia.
It is a combination of Tom's parents' names, Andrew and Ora Seay.
Andora Farm, Home of Tom and Pat Seay